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Frequently Asked Questions

Is our purchase order taxable?

Most domestic orders are not subject to sales tax.

Sales tax only applies to product(s) that ship inside Colorado, USA.

  • Services, such as non-recurring engineering (NRE), are not subject to sales tax.
  • Product(s) that ship outside of Colorado, USA are not subject to sales tax.
  • Tax exempt organizations are not subject to sales tax. Tax exempt organizations that order a product(s) shipped within Colorado, USA must provide a sales tax license with their purchase order(s).
  • Product(s) for resale are not subject to sales tax. Resellers that order a product(s) shipped within Colorado, USA must provide a sales tax license and indicate the product(s) is intended for resale on their purchase order(s).


General, Scroll Compressor, Scroll Expander, Scroll Vacuum Pump